Idoven team
April 29, 2021

Your opinions about IDOVEN services

From IDOVEN we try to to always make our clients aware of the importance of monitoring their heart with our services.. We try to detect early and non-invasive cardiac problems such as myocardial infarction and sudden death.

In this blog and in our social networks we explain the main benefits that have our servicesWe try to make people aware of the correct knowledge of their cardiac system and we try to explain how a controlled cardiac system can help us to have longer, healthier and happier lives.

In the blog we explain particular cases where athletes y non-athletes give us their opinion and explain how the use of IDOVEN has influenced their daily life, working, sleeping or training.

Now we want to go a step further and we have enabled the possibility to leave a review on our services.

We all know that, in this type of services it is necessary to know the opinion of customers who have gone through a specific situation or have used our services to have as much information as possible before hiring. some of the services.

In the following images you can see the opinion of several customers about IDOVEN:

From now on, besides being able to inform you about our services and the advantages of IDOVEN, you will be able to see the opinion of our clients in a truthful and certified way.

If you have been a customer of IDOVEN we would appreciate it if you leave us your feedback on the page of the contracted serviceso that we can continue helping other clients to lead longer, healthier and happier lives.


Cheyanne Orn
Writter Idoven

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